Holistic Colon Cancer Cures
The Mind
One of the important aspects of healing yourself of colon cancer is getting the mind in harmony. It is important that you investigate your state of mind at all times. The body cannot heal if it is stressed. It has been scientifically shown that stress weakens the immune system. Holistically, we need to get the mind as calm as possible.
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer believes that cancer is a response to emotional conflict. He claims to have cured thousands of patients strictly by using methods of stress reduction and emotional resolution. Meditation, prayer and breathing practices are among the methods that can help you reduce stress in the body.
The Body
The body must also be in a position to heal itself. In dealing with colon cancer, one of the first steps to take is cleaning the colon. To do so, you need to change your eating habits. Dr. Lorraine Day, a physician who was diagnosed with breast cancer, cured herself using inexpensive treatments and changes in her eating.
A strict diet of fruits and vegetables is necessary. Stay away from meat, especially red meat. Eat as many green, leafy vegetables as possible. Also, make sure you eat a lot of fiber. Beans are a very good source of fiber. Avoid dairy products.
Ensure your diet consists of 40 percent or more raw fruits and vegetables. Stay away from sodas and coffee. Fresh juice and spring, ionized or hexagonal water should be the only beverages in your diet.
Lastly, ensure you take supplements that are high in antioxidants to prevent new cancer cells from forming. Also, consider starting a consistent colonic irrigation program.
The body also needs to be away from toxins and chemicals. Throw out all of the household cleansers in the house and use natural alternatives.
Use herbal supplements to rebuild the immune system. Herbs can remove any toxins and parasites in the body. Essiac tea is known to detoxify, maintain and rebuild the body. There have been many success stories about Essiac tea helping to cure people of various types of cancer.
Lastly, exercise. Take a walk each day. The body needs to be well-stretched and exercised so it can naturally dispel toxins from the body.