Stages of Colon Cancer
Stage 0
In Stage 0, the cancer cells are just forming. The cells can be found in the inner layer of the colon.
Stage I
Stage I colon cancer means that the cancer cells have spread from the inner layer of the colon to deeper layers. It has not spread to anywhere other than the colon.
Stage II
In Stage IIA, the cancer has spread from the colon's outer layers but it has not gotten to other organs yet. In Stage IIB, the cancer has spread through the colon to other organs.
Stage III
In Stage IIIA, the cancer has spread to lymph nodes near the colon. In Stage IIIB, it may have spread not only to lymph nodes but other organs. In Stage IIIC, the cancer may have spread to lymph nodes but not through the actual wall of the colon.
Stage IV
Stage IV colon cancer means the cancer has now spread to other organs such as the liver or lungs.