Facts About Colon Cancer
Colon cancer can be detected through several tests, most notably, a colonoscopy. During this test, the entire colon is checked by an internal camera on a scope. Tumors are easily seen and can be removed during this procedure if they are still in the polyp stage. Other tests like a CT or PET scan can also indicate the presence of tumors.
Colon cancer is classified by stages 0, I, II, III and IV. These stages indicate how far the tumor has invaded the colon and surrounding organs.
Treatment can range from radiation only to radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Treatment depends upon staging, location of tumor and severity of invasion to other parts of the body.
Colon cancer has not been linked to a single cause but is thought to be associated with genetics, high-fat diet and other diseases like diverticulitis and Crohn's.
Surviving Colon Cancer
Colon cancer survivors have an excellent chance of remission after treatment if they follow-up with their doctor, have regular colonoscopies and blood tests. The survival rate is as high as 93 percent for stage I patients and decreases with each stage.