How to Check for Colon Cancer
Things You'll Need
- Beckman Coulter Hemocult II Sensa Patient Kit
Seven days prior to obtaining stool samples, avoid ingesting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin. Tylenol can be used for pain relief. For three days prior to and during testing, avoid taking Vitamin C in daily doses larger than 250mg, or eating red meat.Do not proceed with testing if there is blood in stools from active hemorrhoids or menstruation. Contact the doctor.Remove toilet bowl cleansers from toilet tank.
Get a Beckman Coulter Hemocult II Sensa Patient Kit from a doctor or hospital. Take inventory of it. There will be a three-part patient record card, three white "towel-naps," three wooden collection sticks and a special specimen-return envelope.On the three-part patient record card, provide the requested information, including name, address, phone number and name of physician. Fill out everything except the date.
Enter the first stool-collection date on the far left flap that also sports a gray number 1. When you obtain the sample, it is desirable to keep the stool from touching the toilet water, if possible. In order to do this, open one of the white towel-naps and unfold it inside your toilet, draping it from the porcelain sides and laying it across the top of the water. The stool will then be caught by the napkin and will have a reasonable chance of remaining dry. Repeat this procedure two more times--preferably during the next two days, but no later than two weeks from the date of the first specimen.
Once there has been a movement, take the wooden stick and obtain a sample on the end of the stick. Smear the stick on the section labeled "A" under the flap of section 1 of the Beckman Coulter Hemocult II Sensa Patient Kit. Then obtain another sample from a different part of the stool. This specimen should be smeared on "B" under section one of the Patient Kit.Repeat this action two more times, preferably in the next two days but definitely within two weeks from the date of the first specimen.Record the dates of all stool specimens.
Once you have collected all three samples, forward them to the laboratory to be read. Make sure you have six samples, two from three different dates and all within two weeks of each other.Use the envelope provided, so that the samples remain safe and go to the right place.If anything shows up, the most likely next step will be a rectal exam called a sigmoidoscopy. Either way, you should feel a great deal of relief, knowing the odds are now in your favor.