What causes frekles?
Some people are more likely to develop freckles than others due to their genetics. This is because certain genes control how much melanin is produced by the body. People with fair skin and red hair are more likely to have freckles, as they have a higher concentration of melanin in their skin.
Sun exposure
Sun exposure is another major cause of freckles. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, it produces more melanin as a way to protect itself from damage. This can cause freckles to become more visible or even develop in people who don't normally have them.
Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes can also lead to an increased production of melanin, which can cause freckles to appear or become more noticeable. This is often seen during pregnancy, when women's estrogen levels are high.
Freckles are a common and harmless skin condition. They can be treated with lightening creams or laser therapy, but many people choose to leave them as they are, as they can be seen as a sign of beauty.