Sodium Bicarbonate & Maple Sugar Used for Leukemia
Leukemia is a type of cancer in which mutated white blood cells grow uncontrollably. As of 2010, there is no cure for leukemia, although leukemia sufferers' lives can be prolonged with chemotherapy. Alternative practitioners such as Jim Kulman claim that taking baking soda mixed with maple syrup can prevent or cure cancer, but there is little scientific evidence for these claims.-
Leukemia Explained
Leukemia is a disease of the blood or bone marrow. White blood cells are ordinarily secreted in bone marrow for the purpose of fighting off illness. According to Medical News Today, mutated cells live longer than regular white blood cells and reproduce cells containing the same mutation. As a result, eventually the blood becomes saturated with mutated cells and the person becomes seriously ill as a result.
Maple Syrup Cure
Jim Kelmun, an alternative practitioner who has offered patients home remedies since 1954, claims to have cured cancer in the 1970s using baking soda and maple syrup. According to Kelmun, cancer patients must use aluminum-free baking soda. He recommends mixing 3 parts organic maple syrup with 1 part baking soda, stir over low heat, and take 2 tsp. once a day for two to three months.
Maple Syrup Infusions
In 2007, Italian physician Tullio Simoncini proposed an alternative means of using baking soda and maple syrup to cure cancer. He claimed that injecting cancer patients with baking soda and giving them glucose treatments or having them eat maple syrup yielded similar results to chemotherapy. Simoncini's cure was directed mainly towards cancer of specific organs rather than towards a blood-based cancer such as leukemia.
Scientific Theory
Dr. Marcus Sircus argues that using baking soda to treat cancer makes sense because baking soda is a strongly basic solution that can help restore the pH balance in overly acidic blood. The pH level of the blood controls biochemical processes inside cells, including the rate at which white blood cells reproduce. Sircus says baking soda should be considered an important part of cancer treatment for this reason.
Traditional Treatments for Leukemia
Traditional medical treatments for leukemia include chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Some types of leukemia can be treated by transplanting bone marrow from a healthy person into the leukemia sufferer's body. The goal of medical treatment is to put leukemia into remission--leukemia cannot be cured as of 2010, but sufferers can live normal lives with a minimum of symptoms for many years after being diagnosed.