Nutrition & Exercise for Leukemia
Leukemia is nothing more than a cancer which affects the blood cells of your body. Beginning in your blood marrow and gradually spreading, leukemia can manifest as either a chronic or an acute condition. Acute leukemia is categorized by sickness which manifests rapidly, whereas chronic leukemia develops slowly and gradually over the years.
Leukemia and Exercise
A clinical trial performed at the Department of Exercise and Sport Science and UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center has provided some hope for sufferers of leukemia. The study concluded that regular physical activity can improve both symptoms of depression and fatigue, allowing individuals with leukemia to maintain their existing quality of life while being treated for the disease.
Exercise Recommendations
In the study they used a combination of cardio, resistance training and stretching to provide a holistic approach to exercise. Thus, to best mimic the results of the study, you would do well to adopt the same approach. Three or four days of resistance training coupled with several cardio sessions (which need be no more taxing than brisk walking) can help provide the aforementioned benefits to individuals with leukemia.
As a sizable percentage of all cancer deaths are brought on by inadequate nutrition, keeping to a rigorous diet might be even more important when sick than when healthy, as your body will require additional nutrients to mount an assault against the illness. In general, when fighting against leukemia, you want to consume a diet that is nutrient-dense to give your body the best shot at enduring the disease and treatment plan.
Sample Diet Plan
A sample diet for someone suffering from leukemia need not be overly complex. Consume five to six small meals throughout the day, aiming for a blend of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, veggies and healthy fats. Consume at least one item from every category during every meal, and you will surely meet your daily nutritional requirements. The most crucial element to nutrition while suffering from leukemia is to train yourself to eat even if you are not currently hungry, as your body can always use additional sustenance when fighting off disease.