How to Detect Leukemia
Pay attention to blood clotting. Platelets are responsible for clotting your blood when you have a sore and for the overall healing of your sores. Damage to your bone marrow which allows for the dangerous replacement of platelet-containing red blood cells with immature white blood cells is one of the most evident of leukemia. Things you should be on the lookout for in yourself or someone you suspect has leukemia would be pinprick sized bleeding, bruising and bleeding profusely when cut.
Notice the lack of or decrease in immunity. If your white blood cells become impaired, your ability to fight even the simplest infections will be significantly decreased. Low white blood cell count can also result in autoimmunity (the process in which the body's immune system attacks its own cells). White blood cells hold your body's immune properties, and in leukemia, the red blood cells are replaced by immature white blood cells; therefore, you should look for low immunity in leukemia patients.
Pay attention to other symptoms associated with leukemia. The two main things to look for above may not occur as severely, or these symptoms may be so faint in the early going you may not notice any bodily changes. However, there is an array of different symptoms that occur in the early stages that you should look for that may point to leukemia which include: fever, weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, paleness and unexplained weight loss, among others. if you start to notice any of these symptoms, you are encouraged to seek medical help immediately; do not procrastinate.