Symptoms of Advanced Liver Cancer
One of the more common symptoms of advanced liver cancer is severe abdominal pain caused by a large tumor. The pain may originate on the upper right side of the abdomen. It could be an achy and persistent pain, and it may also be a sharp and burning pain. It may also radiate to the back and fall between the shoulder blades. Pain may be noticeable just under the right side of the rib cage and anywhere along the right side of the body.
By the time abdominal pain from a tumor is evident, it's possible that a large portion of the liver is already infected with cancerous cells and the cancer may be on the verge of spreading to other organs in the body. It is not uncommon for this to be the first liver cancer symptom a person experiences, and it is also not unusual for this to be late in the development of the condition.
Digestive Symptoms
As liver cancer advances it may start to affect the digestive system. One of the more common symptoms is loss of appetite, which can lead to gradual weight loss and fatigue. Abdominal bloating and discomfort may also occur.
When the liver starts to fail, bile (the yellow liquid that the liver makes) begins to leak into the rest of the body, causing jaundice. Jaundice will cause the skin to take on a yellow tint and the whites of the eyes become yellow as well. Nausea and vomiting can accompany this and urine can turn a darker color.
As liver cancer continues to develop, fatigue develops. It is difficult to focus or pay attention, and you may be dizzy and disoriented.
Doctors may use blood tests as an initial screening method to determine if cancer may be present, but to make a reliable diagnosis a biopsy of the liver is needed. To determine the exact location of the cancerous cells a doctor will normally use an instrument called a laparoscope, which is a small microscope placed into the body to analyze the liver. An angiography is used to determine if the cancer originated in the liver, or if it began in another part of the body.