Liver Cancer Therapy
Liver cancer is very common worldwide, but slightly uncommon in the United States. Liver cancer usually does not begin in the liver, but rather in areas such as the colon and then spreads to the liver.
Symptoms that can indicate liver cancer include the following: unexpected weight loss, abdominal pain, fatigue, an enlarged liver, and nausea or vomiting. You should make an appointment with a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms to the point that they are worrisome.
The type of treatment method that is used to treat liver cancer depends on the severity of the cancer and the patient's overall health. Surgery is one method often used to remove the cancerous portion of the liver. Sometimes, an entire liver transplant is required.
Heating/Freezing Cells
Cryoablation is the process in which liquid nitrogen is placed on the tumors and freezes the cancer cells. Radiofrequency uses extreme heat through electric currents to destroy cancerous cells.
Other methods
Chemotherapy, the use of powerful drugs administered intravenously or orally is often used to treat liver cancer. Also, radiation, the use of powerful beams such as X-rays, is a common therapy method.
It is important to get vaccinated against Hepatitis B. The vaccine lasts for years and is effective in reducing the risk of liver cancer. It is also vital to take measures toward reducing your risk of Hepatitis C by knowing the health status of sexual partners and seeking clean, safe shops that use clean needles when looking to get a tattoo.