The Best Liver Cancer Treatments
Surgery is one of the most common treatments for liver cancer. The most common surgery involves removing a small section of the liver to prevent the further spreading of the cancer elsewhere in the body. In certain severe and rare cases, the entire diseased liver is surgically extracted and replaced by part of a functioning liver from a suitable matching donor.
Drug Therapy
Among drug therapies, Sorafenib, also known as Nexavar, is injected into the bloodstream of the patient. This drug keeps the cancerous cells from generating new blood vessels. A study conducted by Mayo clinic staff suggested that using such drug therapy often delays the damage caused by the condition of liver cancer.
Chemoembolization is a form of chemotherapy in which strong doses of anti-cancer drugs such as Velban and Pacitaxel are injected directly into the damaged liver. These drugs damage the cancerous cells in the liver, so they prevent the further spreading of the cancer.
Radiation Therapy
In this method, doctors expose the damaged liver to high powered energy radiation, which often diminishes the size of the tumors and destroys cancerous cells.