Liver Cancer Symptoms
Abdominal Pain
Many liver cancer patients report pain in their upper abdomen that is consistent and lasts for long periods of time. It is common for this pain to also radiate to the back or shoulder.
Nausea and Weight Loss
Nausea and vomiting are both symptoms of liver cancer, in addition to loss of appetite. As a result, many liver cancer patients will lose weight because of frequent vomiting or lack of desire to eat. You may also feel very full without having eaten a lot of food.
Jaundice can also occur with liver cancer. Jaundice causes the eyes and skin to take on a yellowish tint and may also cause very dark urine.
Enlarged Liver
Your liver may become enlarged as a result of liver cancer, which may result in abdominal swelling or bloating. You may be able to feel a strange mass on your right side.
Like many other cancers, liver cancer can cause feelings of fatigue and weakness. Everyone feels tired at some point, but if your fatigue is severe and starts suddenly with no warning, you should see your doctor.