How to Prepare for a Liver Biopsy
Learn the details of how the liver biopsy is done. For a needle biopsy of the liver, you are generally taken to the imaging center of the hospital so the needle can be guided by the ultrasound machine. Then the doctor doing the biopsy shows up in scrubs and numbs the area where the biopsy will be taken. Knowing these details in advance will better prepare you mentally for the procedure.
Follow the hospital's instructions for food and drink intake before the procedure. In most cases you are asked to fast the morning before the procedure and you'll be able to eat a light meal when you feel up to it afterward.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Your side will be sore after the procedure so you won't want to wear tight jeans or anything else form fitting to the hospital. A needle biopsy is an outpatient procedure and you'll be going home the same day in the clothes you wore there.
Be prepared to take it easy for a day or two after the procedure. A liver biopsy requires you to not do any heavy lifting for at least 24 hours afterward. Have help available so you can rest and take it easy.
Know that you'll be asked to eat light for the next day or so after the procedure. The liver is part of the digestive system and going easy on the fried foods for a day or two after the biopsy will give it a chance to recuperate.