How to Recover From a Liver Biopsy
Know you'll be required to lie flat for at least a few hours to allow your liver to clot properly. Your liver is a vascular organ and for it to clot properly and not cause internal bleeding, you need to lie still for a while afterward.
Tell the hospital staff about any pain you are experiencing. It is common after the numbing wears off to experience pain shooting into your right shoulder blade and back. If you experience this, tell your nurse.
Have a friend or family member drive you home from the hospital after the liver biopsy is complete.
Take it easy for a day or two after the procedure. If you start to do too much too soon, you could have a bleeding problem. Most doctors suggest no heavy lifting for at least 24 hours after the procedure.
Eat light. Your liver is part of your digestive system, so go easy on it. Avoid fried foods for a day or two, and eat things like oatmeal, yogurt and other easy to digest foods.