What is a enhancing lesion on liver CT?
1. Benign Lesions:
- Hemangiomas: These are non-cancerous tumors composed of blood vessels. They typically appear as well-defined, round or oval-shaped enhancing lesions.
- Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH): FNH is a benign liver growth that can have variable appearances on CT. It may show as an enhancing nodule or mass with a central scar.
- Adenomas: These are non-cancerous liver tumors that usually appear as solitary, well-defined enhancing lesions.
2. Malignant Lesions:
- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): HCC is the most common type of primary liver cancer. It often appears as an enhancing mass or nodule with an irregular shape and margins.
- Metastases: Liver metastases are secondary tumors that have spread to the liver from other organs. They typically appear as multiple enhancing lesions of varying sizes and shapes.
- Cholangiocarcinoma: This is a cancer that arises from the bile ducts in the liver. It may manifest as enhancing lesions within or around the bile ducts.
3. Inflammatory or Infectious Lesions:
- Abscesses: Liver abscesses are collections of pus within the liver tissue. They appear as enhancing lesions with surrounding inflammation.
- Inflammatory pseudotumors: These are non-cancerous lesions that mimic tumors on imaging studies. They can show as enhancing masses or nodules.
4. Vascular Lesions:
- Hepatic artery aneurysm: This is a bulging or dilation of the hepatic artery, which supplies blood to the liver. It appears as an enhancing lesion in the liver.
- Hematomas: Hematomas are collections of blood outside of blood vessels. They can occur due to trauma or underlying liver disease and appear as enhancing lesions.
5. Cysts:
- Simple cysts: These are benign, fluid-filled sacs in the liver. They typically appear as round or oval-shaped, well-defined enhancing lesions.
It's important to note that the specific cause of an enhancing lesion on liver CT can only be determined through further evaluation, including additional imaging studies, biopsies, or laboratory tests. A radiologist or healthcare professional will interpret the CT findings and recommend the appropriate next steps for diagnosis and management.