Harmful Substances in Smoking
Main Contents of Tobacco Smoke
Nicotine is an extremely addictive drug and although it is not directly related to cancer, it is this substance that keeps you smoking on a regular basis. Tar is a cancer causing substance that once inhaled will transfer 70 percent of tar smoke to your lungs. Carbon monoxide is the last main ingredient in cigarettes. This colorless, odorless gas is poisonous.
Carcinogenic Substances
Carcinogenic substances are those that cause cancer. Specifically in the case of tobacco cigarettes, these carcinogenics may lead to lung cancer. As previously mentioned, tar is the main harmful substance that will cause cancer. Others include benzene, arsenic (rat poison), nickel, cadmium, vinyl chloride, creosote, formaldehyde and the radioactive substance polonium 210.
Irritant Toxins
There are other irritant toxins found in cigarette smoke that are harmful to the body. Some of these toxins include ammonia, acetone, acrolein, hydrogen cyanide and toluene. In addition to causing cancer, formaldehyde will cause respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems.
Quit Smoking
There are many health benefits to quitting smoking. Smokers are at a higher risk for heart attack, but within 10 years of quitting these chances drastically drop. Quitting smoking drastically reduces the risk of cancer, even if you have been a smoker for years. Side effects include nicotine cravings and withdrawals.