Smoking Prevention Activities
Celebrities Against Smoking
Ads on television from celebrities have been used to spread the word to younger audiences to prevent them from starting smoking. These public service ads have featured model Christy Turlington, stating "seven deadly myths" surrounding smoking, like "it won't happen to me." Posters and ads in magazines were also used in conjunction with the TV ads.
Tobacco-Free Sports
The 2006 Torino Olympics and the 2008 Beijing Olympics were tobacco-free events. High-profile coaches and athletes have joined the Center for Disease Control's Tobacco-Free Sports program. In 2001, it went worldwide and partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) to promote a tobacco-free lifestyle to youths. The 2006 Torino Olympics and the 2008 Beijing Olympics also went tobacco-free because of this program.
Too Good For Drugs
The Mendez Foundation has promoted its "Too Good For Drugs" education program nationwide for grades K through 12. By focusing on positive healthy bodies, children learn their bodies need good nutrition and exercise rather than drugs, tobacco, or even violence. The award-winning program has found that it has reduced smoking in middle school students by 33 percent and high school students by 49 percent.
When smokers are trying to quit, they may feel cravings to light up again. By substituting a cigarette with gum, nutritious snacks, or hard candy, you can prevent yourself from smoking. Also, taking up new healthy activities like walking, reading, or sports can get your mind on something new and good for you. Research studies show that cravings may last six months while your body is slowly losing the nicotine in your system. Also, avoid situations where you would usually smoke, like at a bar.
Acupuncture can help a smoker quit for good. Acupuncture is an alternative way to quit smoking, and some courts now mandate acupuncture as treatment to stop smoking. Some smokers may take a few tries before quitting for good, and this eastern medical treatment has real results. Acupuncture treats symptoms such as jitters, cravings, and restlessness, and tiny needles are inserted into pressure points in the ear and the body. A study in Norway found that acupuncture lasted up to five years in smoking treatments.