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Early Detection of Lung Cancer in High Risk Patients

Treating lung cancer in its early stages leads to more treatment options and a better chance of survival. Testing people at high risk may help to diagnose lung cancer early.
  1. The Facts

    • There are often no symptoms in the early stages of lung cancer. According to the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (I-ELCAP), 85 percent of people diagnosed with this type of cancer in the U.S. will not survive after five years.

    High Risk Individuals

    • People at high risk of developing lung cancer include those who are 60 years old and smoke or have a history of smoking, or those who have had previous lung tumors or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    CT Screeing

    • CT screening on an annual basis of individuals at high risk can find lung cancer in its earliest stage. According to I-ELCAP, over 80 percent of cancer detected as the result of annual CT screening can be treated.

    Other Types of Screening

    • Other screening techniques for early detection of lung cancer include bronchoscopy, chest X-ray and analysis of cells in sputum under a microscope.


    • There is also a downside to screening for lung cancer. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, screening tests may find abnormalities that are not cancer. Research is being done to learn more about the effectiveness of screening tests.

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