Avastin Treatment For Lung Cancer
The National Cancer Insititute (NCI) studied the effects of treating nonsquamous, nonsmall cell lung cancer with Avastin and chemotherapy between 2001 and 2004. Patients using Avastin survived an average of two months longer than those who only treated their cancer with chemotherapy.
Treatment Regimen
Lung cancer patients receive an infusion of the medication every three weeks, according to Genentech, the manufacturer of the drug.
Chemical Reaction
According to the NCI, Avastin binds to a substance in the body called VEGF and inhibits it so that new blood vessels can't form within the cancerous tumors.
Side Effects
Bleeding in the lungs is a serious side effect associated with Avastin treatment for cancer. Other adverse reactions can include perforation of the intestines and delayed healing of wounds, as reported by Genentech.
The drug can compromise fertility, according to its manufacturer. Avastin may harm a developing fetus or could increase the risk of miscarriage should a pregnancy be achieved during the course of treatment.