Which organs and body systems are affected by lung cancer?
Lung cancer primarily affects the lungs, which are responsible for gas exchange and oxygenating the blood. The disease can also spread to other organs and body systems through various mechanisms, including direct invasion, lymphatic spread, and hematogenous metastasis. Here are the main organs and body systems commonly affected by lung cancer:
1. Lungs:
- Primary tumor: Lung cancer typically begins in the bronchial epithelium, the lining of the airways. It can manifest as a single tumor or multiple nodules in one or both lungs.
- Obstruction of airways: Advanced-stage lung tumors can obstruct the airways, causing shortness of breath, wheezing, and persistent cough.
- Pleural effusion: Lung cancer can lead to the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, causing pleural effusion and symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing.
2. Lymph Nodes:
- Regional lymph nodes: Lung cancer frequently spreads to the lymph nodes in the mediastinum, the central compartment between the lungs. Enlarged lymph nodes can obstruct airways, blood vessels, and nerves.
- Distant lymph nodes: Cancer cells can spread to distant lymph nodes in the neck, abdomen, or supraclavicular region (above the collarbone).
3. Bones:
- Bone metastasis: Lung cancer commonly metastasizes to the bones, particularly the spine, pelvis, long bones, and ribs. Bone metastases can cause pain, fractures, and spinal cord compression.
4. Brain:
- Brain metastasis: Lung cancer has a high propensity to spread to the brain. Brain metastases can result in neurological symptoms, including headaches, seizures, cognitive impairment, and focal deficits.
5. Liver:
- Liver metastasis: Lung cancer can spread to the liver through the bloodstream. Liver metastases can cause abdominal pain, jaundice, fatigue, and weight loss.
6. Adrenal Glands:
- Adrenal metastasis: Lung cancer may metastasize to the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys. Adrenal gland metastases can produce hormone imbalances, causing symptoms like Cushing's syndrome or Addison's disease.
7. Heart and Pericardium:
- Pericardial effusion: Lung cancer can cause the buildup of fluid in the pericardial sac, called pericardial effusion. This can lead to chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart failure.
8. Kidneys:
- Renal metastasis: Lung cancer can rarely metastasize to the kidneys, potentially leading to kidney failure and other complications.
It is important to note that the specific organs and body systems affected by lung cancer can vary from person to person, depending on the stage and type of the disease.