Cancer Risks of Granite Counters
The Environmental Protection Agency states that present data are insufficient to determine that the granite used in countertops significantly increases indoor radon levels, although individual samples may emit higher levels. Soil beneath a house typically gives off more radon.
Testing Your Home for Radon
You can test for radon levels in your home with a $25 kit available in stores or online. You can also hire a qualified radon professional to do the testing and any necessary remediation. Levels above four picocuries per liter (which increase the risk of lung cancer considerably). You can find qualified professionals at the website for the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors.
Testing Your Countertop
There is no accepted protocol for testing countertops for radiation. Granite products do not require this testing. It can be done with specialized instruments by trained professionals.
There are no regulations for granite countertops and their emission of radon or radiation. The EPA is continuing to monitor research on this subject and plans to update its advisories in the future.
Danger to Humans
Granite does not usually give off high levels of radon and radioactivity, but it is difficult to generalize about radon levels inside homes with granite countertops. The EPA recommends radon testing for all homes.