How Long Will Someone With Lung Cancer Live?
Stopping smoking may prolong your life
Lung Cancer
According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2009 more than 219,000 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed, and almost 160,000 people will die from it in the United States. Primary lung cancer occurs when cells in the lungs begin to multiply rapidly and without control. Secondary lung cancer occurs when cancer cells from other parts of the body migrate and continue multiplying in the lungs.
Death from Lung Cancer
Death from lung cancer occurs when the lungs are no longer able to take in oxygen and deliver it to the blood vessels because of physical damage from cancer. A person with lung cancer may also die when the cancer cells from the lung travel to other vital organs, impairing their function. For example, lung cancer may travel to the liver and cause liver cancer, also a life-threatening condition.
Cancer Survival
Cancer survival is measured by five-year survival rates. This measures the percentage of cancer patients who are alive five years after their diagnosis. According to the National Cancer Institute, 15.6 percent of people with lung cancer survive five years with the disease. Survival varies by the stage at which the cancer is identified. If it is localized (early stage), then survival to five years reaches 52.6 percent of cases. If the cancer has already spread to other sites, five-year survival is 8.5 percent.
Surviving Lung Cancer
Surviving lung cancer depends on many factors, such as your overall health status, the kind and quality of medical care you receive and what steps you take to stay healthy during the course of the disease. If you had no underlying medical conditions, you may resist the disease and treatment better than someone who was sick with another condition. If you smoke, quitting smoking will help you survive the lung cancer.
The best way to survive lung cancer is to avoid it altogether. Smoking is a big risk factor for lung cancer because of the known carcinogens in tobacco products. Environmental conditions, such as exposure to asbestos, are also risk factors for lung cancer. Finally, genetic factors that may be unavoidable can also come into play, so those with a family history of lung cancer should consult their providers for routine cancer screening.