Different Stages of Quitting Smoking
Quit Smoking Today
Why Quit Smoking
According to the ACS, the time to quit smoking is now. The U.S. Surgeon General points out that the best thing smokers can do to enhance the quality and longevity of their lives is to quit. Quitting the habit lowers the risk of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, breathing problems and other health issues.
Contemplation Stages
The ACS describes the first two stages of smoking cessation as pre-contemplation and contemplation. In pre-contemplation, the smoker may have thoughts of quitting, but she is not serious about stopping the habit. In the contemplation phase, she actively thinks about stopping, but she isn't ready to make a serious attempt. She may find excuses to continue her habit.
Preparation and Action
According to the ACS, the smoker moves from contemplation to preparation. The smoker makes a plan to quit, and her intentions are serious. When the plan is set, she moves to the action phase. During this phase, she is actively trying to stop smoking, and is committed to ending her habit. This stage can last up to six months.
The ACS states that the final stage of smoking cessation is maintenance. In this stage, which lasts from six months to five years after quitting, the smoker actively tries to avoid relapse. She is are aware of the dangers of having even one cigarette and takes the appropriate steps to avoid smoking.
Talk to a Trained Professional
If you talk to your doctor about smoking, he can help you determine what it will take for you to move to the next stage of smoking cessation. He can detail the risks of continuing your habit, provide tools to help you during the preparation phase, and support you during the all important action and maintenance phases.