Short Term & Long-Term Effects of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is caused by smoking, exposure to chemicals and genetics.
Short-Term Effects
The short term effects of lung cancer are fluid in the lungs and shortness of breath. Unfortunately, fluid building up in the lungs can cause the cancer to spread to other regions of the body.
Long-Term Effects
Following the short-term effects of lung cancer, other health problems such as liver, brains and bone cancer can arise. Eventually, lung cancer leads to death.
The symptoms of the short-term effects of lung cancer include shortness of breath, wheezing, chronic cough and coughing up blood. The long-term effects can include headaches, nausea and pain. These symptoms are dependent upon what area of the body has been effected by the cancer.
Lung cancer can be prevented by avoiding chemical exposure, not smoking and avoiding second-hand smoke. These three factors are the top risks for developing lung cancer.