Lung Cancer Early Stages
Stage 0
During the first stage of lung cancer, known as stage 0, cancer is only found in the lining of the lung.
Stage I
During stage IA, cancer has spread to the tissue of the lung but has not yet reached the lymph nodes. Stage IB refers to when lung cancer has spread to bronchus and pleura, according to the National Cancer Institute.
Stage II
Stage IIA refers to when lung cancer has spread to lymph nodes near the lungs. The National Cancer Institute states that during stage IIB, cancerous cells have spread to the diaphragm, pleura, bronchus and/or tissue surrounding the heart.
Early Stage Diagnosis
It is difficult to diagnose lung cancer early because most people do not show signs of having lung cancer until its later stages. Chest X-rays and computerized tomography (CT) scans are used to find abnormal growths in the lungs and/or nearby lymph nodes or organs.
If a patient has stage I lung cancer, her doctor can surgically remove lung tissue where a tumor is found. A patient who has stage II lung cancer can undergo radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs, and radiation therapy utilizes beams of radiation to kill cancerous cells.