Adenocarcinoma Definition
Adenocarcinoma presents symptoms similar to other lung cancer forms. The symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath and hoarseness. A cough with the possibility of coughing up blood is often present. A patient will have discomfort while trying to breathe and swallow. Chest pains and weight loss due to a poor appetite response may occur.
Adenocarcinoma is a cancer caused by abnormal cell growth that forms a tumor. As the tumor grows larger in size, it will destroy areas of the lung. The cells of the tumor will eventually spread through out the body. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer and it is often found in people that smoke or regularly breathe in secondhand smoke. Exposure to radon gas or asbestos is also a cause of adenocarcinoma.
The symptoms present are the first indication that lung cancer may be the cause. A physician makes an initial diagnosis of adenocarcinoma through an evaluation of a sputum sample. This involves taking a sample of the mucus coughed up by the patient to evaluate if cancer cells are present. If cells are present, a lung biopsy or bronchoscopy will be preformed to evaluate the lung tissue. Areas that are suspicious will be furthered evaluated with a fine-needle aspiration procedure, which takes a small sample of the cells in the area to determine the cancer type.
The treatment of adenocarcinoma depends on the location of the tumor and whether cells have spread. In some cases, the tumor can be removed. If this is the case, chemotherapy treatment is scheduled following the surgery as it increases the chance of a full cure. If the cancer has spread, radiation and chemotherapy treatment is used to target all areas of cancer.
Prevention involves reducing the factors that cause adenocarcinoma. A person must eliminate smoking and their exposure to secondhand smoke. There are treatment plans that assist with quitting a smoking habit. Having your home tested for radon gas exposure is recommended for the safety of all residents. Older homes should also be tested for asbestos as this building material is not safe. Asbestos must be tested and removed by a professional due to the hazards.