What to Expect With Lung Cancer Stage 3
Stage 3A Lung Cancer
In stage 3A lung cancer, the original cancer has metastasized, or spread, to lymph nodes located on the same side of the body as the original tumor. This form of lung cancer is the more easily treated with surgical removal of the the growths than stage 3B.
Stage 3B Lung Cancer
Stage 3B lung cancer is characterized by the spread of the original cancer to any lymph node within the body and invasion of tissues in other body systems, such as the cardiovascular or digestive system. Stage 3B lung cancer sufferers also experience a buildup of fluid in the lungs that greatly impairs their ability to breathe.
The most common symptoms of stage 3 lung cancer include fatigue; a nagging cough; difficulty breathing normally and easily; coughing up blood; unexplained weight loss; pain in the chest, shoulders and back; a suddenly hoarse voice; and susceptibility to respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis or pneumonia.
There are three main treatments for stage 3 lung cancer: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. More effective treatments usually involve combinations of these three, the most common being surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible, followed by chemotherapy, or chemotherapy and radiation treatment done in conjunction.
The prognosis of both stage 3A or 3B lung cancer is poor: neither has a five-year survival rate that is greater than 25 percent. The prognosis of stage 3B lung cancer is worse, with only 10 percent of sufferers surviving to five years post-diagnosis.