Prognosis for Fourth Stage Lung Cancer
A tumor is a group of cells that grow at an uncontrolled rate and can become malignant. The presence of a tumor on the interior or exterior of the lungs defines lung cancer.
Doctors classify cancer by stages, which are defined by tumor size and the spread of cancer cells. Stage 4 lung cancer is the most advanced stage and receives its classification when cancer cells have spread to other organs, such as the brain, pancreas or colon.
After the fifth anniversary of their diagnosis, 2 percent of those who were diagnosed during Stage 4 of lung cancer were still alive.
The survival rates for Stage 4 lung cancer are obtained through averages observed during clinical studies. A person's actual life expectancy may differ from the statistics based upon other factors, such as age, sex, general health, tumor characteristics and location of the cancer's spread.
Only a doctor can accurately determine a person's individual prognosis. Individuals with Stage 4 lung cancer should consult an oncologist, which is a cancer specialist in the medical field.