About Lung Cancer Symptoms: Coughing
New Coughs
People suffering from lung cancer often develop a new cough when the disease is advanced. This cough won't subside.
Chronic Coughs
People who are dealing with a chronic cough, also known as a smoker's cough, may notice changes in the sound or frequency of the cough.
Another symptom of lung cancer is the appearance of blood as you cough. It may be only a small amount but is still reason to inform your doctor.
Early Signs
Coughing up blood, or haemoptysis, can sometimes be an early warning sign of lung cancer. This may be one of the rare opportunities to catch the disease before it progresses, so contact your doctor if you notice blood.
It is difficult to distinguish between a cough caused by lung cancer and a cough caused by other lung conditions or smoking. Changes to the pattern of a chronic cough may be one of the ways a doctor can diagnose lung cancer.