Undiagnosed Lung Cancer
Undiagnosed lung cancer may consist of various symptoms including a persistent cough and coughing up blood. Wheezing and hoarseness of the voice may be evident including shortness of breath.
Rapid weight loss and fatigue may be present in the undiagnosed lung cancer victim. Loss of appetite may be evident along with repeated bouts of lung infections such as bronchitis and/or pneumonia.
Time Frame
Pain in the back, chest or shoulder may indicate that the lung cancer has spread or metastasized to other organs that in turn cause pain. If this turns out to be the case, the cancer is deemed inoperable. A small percentage of cancer victims may be saved by operations and treatment before the cancer has metastasized.
Undiagnosed lung cancer that has already metastasized to other organs may prove fatal through those organs failing. Having the ability to affect many organs quickly, metastasized lung cancer often proves terminal for the victim.
Expert Insight
According to Dr. David Johnson: "Lung cancer is, of course, one of the more common cancers encountered in Canada and the United States. It's by far the leading cause of cancer-related death. About 150,000-160,000 Americans every year die of lung cancer, or roughly one American every 3½ minutes."