How to Final Stage Lung Cancer
Things You'll Need
- Internet access
- Support Group
- Attorney
- Hospice care
- Respite care
How to Deal With Final Stage Lung Cancer
Remember that lung cancer is a disease that affects a lot of people. Your loved one is not the only one and neither are you the only caregiver having to struggle through end of life issues. Although it sounds somewhat morbid, remembering that you are not alone goes a long ways toward helping you keep your sanity.
Join a cancer caregiver support group, if you have not already done so. Your local hospital oncology center will have information about various groups that are currently meeting in your area. Ask your loved one’s treating physician, if you are not sure if any of the groups will actually meet your needs. She might have more information about groups that are meeting informally. You may also use the Internet to locate one via the National Cancer Institute.
Enlist respite care to give you the time away from your loved one. At the final stage of lung cancer, the tumors will have already metastasized and are causing disruptions, pain, and problems with other bodily systems. Your loved one needs your loving care more than ever, but in order to get out of the house and attend support group meetings, you need to have a good working relationship with a respite care volunteer, who can step in and take over the care while you are temporarily out of the house. The Internet is your best bet for finding either volunteer or privately funded respite care workers.
Order hospice care for your loved one. As the end of life nears, the cancer requires consistent numbing with morphine and other substances, and this can be an overwhelming task for one person. A trained hospice worker can perform the actual medical measures, and allow your loved one to be at home in familiar surroundings. This also enables you two to spend more quality time together, that is not taken up with taking readings, administering medications, and easing symptoms.
Meet with an attorney to ensure that all end of life issues are discussed, and have been taken care of. Although, it may feel ghoulish, it will be a vital issue for your loved one to be able to leave you and the family well provided for, with a minimum of tax debt after death. Do not be afraid to ask the attorney to come to your home and bring whatever papers need to be signed.
Ask for what you need. While your loved one suffering from final stage lung cancer is the one who will receive the primary care, you are just as important. Sometimes, even friends and family members will forget about your needs, and solely focus attention, thoughts, and prayers on your loved one. Speak up for yourself or have a close friend do so on your behalf.