How to Identify Lung Cancer Symptoms
Be on alert about your coughing. Coughing all the time can be an early sign of lung cancer, especially if there is a change in your cough. Make sure you talk to your doctor about this concern to discover the problem.
Notice if you feel pain and aches when you are breathing or coughing. If you have these symptoms, then please speak to your doctor to discover what the problem is before self-diagnosing.
Be aware of any loss of appetite. If your appetite has decreased over a certain period of time and you have experienced weight loss then speak to your doctor immediately.
Keep on eye on constant fatigue. If you find that you have constant fatigue then ask your doctor why this symptoms may be happening. It is a symptom of lung cancer, but it could also be due to stress, overexertion or another cause.
Watch for pain under the ribs on the right side of the liver and shortness of breath. These two symptoms can be indicators of lung cancer. Please tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.