How to Care for Someone With Lung Cancer
Make a list of questions you have for the patient's doctor. These questions can be as trivial as how to entertain someone with lung cancer to what he or she should be eating to maintain proper physical strength.
Be sure all medications are taken on time, every day. One of the biggest causes of recurring cancer pain is failure to take medications as prescribed. Since the lung cancer patient may be distracted, fatigued, or just overwhelmed, it may be a good idea for you to take over the disbursement of medications.
Encourage the patient to talk about his or her feelings. There's no doubt that dealing with cancer can be stressful, frightening and depressing. Just by providing a willing ear, you're probably doing more than you'll ever know.
Set up a support network of individuals who can take over your responsibilities when you are unable to do them. Caring for someone with lung cancer can be a full-time job. When you need to run to the store or return your library books, you'll want to have someone on hand to run your errands or stay with your loved one.