How to Live With Lung Cancer
Get the facts about lung cancer. The National Cancer Institute estimates nearly 180,000 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed every year. The majority of these cases are directly related to smoking.
Learn about your treatment options. Depending on the type and stage of your lung cancer, you may find chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, photodynamic or laser light therapy can be beneficial in treating your cancer and helping you live longer.
Consider joining a clinical trial. You may be able to take part in more experimental therapies that may be able to treat your cancer or improve your quality of life. You can ask your doctor for more details on open clinical trials, or you can search for them yourself at the National Cancer Institute Web site (see Resources, below).
Figure out how to deal with breathlessness. This is one of the biggest side effects of lung cancer and learning how to control it may improve your quality of life. Making an effort to inhale slowly through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth may make a difference.