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Signs and Symptoms of Stage III Lymphoma

Lymphomas, a group of blood cancers, reach the third stage when cancerous cells progress to areas in the body above and below the body's mid-point, the diaphragm. The disease is also termed third-stage when the lymphoma has spread to nearby organs. Lymphomas are termed first- and second-stage when they appear in only half of the body. The diagnosis of third-stage lymphoma is made through a series of tests, but symptoms exhibited during this stage could alert a person to the cancer's spread and its severity.
  1. Swollen Lymph Nodes

    • Lymph nodes in certain areas of the body can be felt as lumps just under the skin. Swelling is easier to detect in some areas of the body where the nodes are close to the surface. Those include both sides of the neck, in the groin or underarm regions, and above the collarbone.

    Abdominal Pain or Swelling

    • Pain or a feeling of fullness may be felt in the stomach region due to a tumor, the accumulation of fluid or blocking of the large intestine. The blockage may also cause nausea and vomiting.

    Chest Pain

    • Fluid accumulating around the heart will cause pressure and pain.


    • Lymphomas of the brain can cause difficulty in thinking or headaches. Occasionally, the lymphoma can also progress to personality changes and seizures.

    Coughing or Breathing Difficulties

    • Lymphomas in the chest area can create pressure on the trachea (windpipe). This added pressure can create difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and coughing.

    Night Sweats

    • Excessive sweating during the night sufficient to soak clothing is yet another symptom that may be found in stage-three lymphoma.

    Weight Loss

    • Unexplained weight loss can occur if there is a loss of appetite caused by the lymphoma. More than a 10 percent loss of weight is a cause of concern.


    • Fever is a body temperature above 102 degrees. The body can handle a high temperature for short periods, but should be checked if it lasts for three or more days.

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