What are the Malignant Lymphoma Chemotherapy Side Effects?
While the side effects of chemotherapy for lymphoma are unpleasant, they are typically only temporary and disappear after treatment ends.
Types of Side Effects
Lymphoma chemotherapy side effects include decreases in white blood cell levels, nausea, diarrhea, mouth soreness or ulcers, hair loss and fatigue.
If lymphoma chemotherapy decreases the amount of infection-fighting white blood cells, there is also an increased risk for developing serious illnesses, course of treatment, such as pneumonia or sepsis.
Lymphoma chemotherapy may increase your risk of developing other types of cancer like leukemia or heart disease later in life.
Infrequently, lymphoma chemotherapy causes early menopause in women or a permanent halt in the production of sperm in men. This has the potential to cause permanent infertility in either sex.
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