What is sub pectoral lymph nodes?
The subpectoral lymph nodes are located in two main groups: the anterior group, which is located near the front of the chest, and the posterior group, which is located near the back of the chest. The anterior group of subpectoral lymph nodes is further divided into two subgroups: the upper subgroup, which is located near the clavicle, and the lower subgroup, which is located near the breast.
The subpectoral lymph nodes are connected to a network of lymphatic vessels that drain lymph fluid from the breast, chest wall, and upper abdomen. The lymph fluid then flows through the subpectoral lymph nodes and into the axillary lymph nodes, which are located in the armpit.
The subpectoral lymph nodes can be enlarged or swollen due to a variety of conditions, including infection, inflammation, or cancer. Enlarged subpectoral lymph nodes can sometimes be felt as a lump or mass in the chest. If you notice a lump or mass in your chest, it is important to see your doctor to determine the cause.
The subpectoral lymph nodes are an important part of the lymphatic system and play a role in protecting the body from infection and disease.