How to Detect Lymph Node Cancer
Locate the main lymph node areas. These areas are in the front and back of your neck, underneath your armpits and the upper groin area. The groin area is right on the inside of your thigh and is a small area to detect. Other areas also contain lymph nodes, but they are deeper in the skin and harder to detect.
Feel around these areas for any growths. Some growths can grow all of a sudden without you knowing, so the only way to check is to feel the around the area.
Check to see if the growth is under the skin or outside of the skin. If it is under the skin then it is most likely a growth on the lymph node. Growths on the outside of the skin are usually not lymph node growths.
Try to move the growth around and see how it feels to the touch. Most of the time these growths will be painless, but if they have pinched a nerve you may feel slight pain with contact.
Calculate how long they could have been there. If you have been sick recently then the enlarged lymph nodes can simply be a sign of an infection. The lymph nodes build up and try to fight off the infection. If they are there for longer periods of time, you still retain the infection or have a different problem.
Make an appointment with your doctor. The doctor will be able to identify the exact location of the growth and whether it is on your lymph node.
Schedule a biopsy if you or the doctor are concerned. A biopsy will remove the growth and allow doctor's to examine it more closely to detect cancer or other problems. A biopsy is the only sure way to detect for lymph node cancer.
Report back to your doctor for follow up appointments. Keep track of your growths and if any new ones occur near lymph node areas.