How Asbestos Affects Our Bodies
Asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral that is porous and fire-resistant, which is why it is used construction. It can break down into an extremely fine dust, invisible to the human eye, yet extremely dangerous, even deadly, if inhaled into the lungs.
The extremely small particles get stuck in the lungs and cause a host of problems, including mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer. Asbestos that is swallowed or ingested can also cause cancer in other places, such as the esophagus or stomach.
Asbestosis occurs when healthy tissue in the lungs is replaced by damaged scar tissue, due to asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma happens when the asbestos causes a tumor on the mesothelium, a thin membrane lining many of our major organs. And, because asbestos particles can cause healthy cells to regenerate, they can cause cancerous tumors, most often in the lungs.