Who Is at Risk of Getting Cancer Due to Asbestos Exposure?
Occupational Exposure
People exposed to asbestos over the course of many years during the course of their work-related duties may develop cancers like mesothelioma. These might include careers as a mechanic, electrician, plumber, textile worker, railroad worker or worker in the construction trades.
Geographic Proximity
As has been shown in communities like Libby, Montana, living close to asbestos mines or processing facilities can cause whole towns to become ill from airborne asbestos particles.
Family Ties
There are several ways that a person's family may affect the development of asbestos-related cancers. For example, asbestos brought home on a father's work clothes can be inhaled by family members. Also, do-it-yourself home repairs sometimes expose asbestos insulation in the walls of an older home.
Veterans and Mesothelioma
Veterans who served prior to 1970 may have been exposed to asbestos, which was used in the construction of ships and ship boilers and vehicle parts such as brake pads.
Those who assisted or observed the cleanup and emergency responder efforts at the World Trade Center were exposed to asbestos from the pulverized buildings.