Who Is at Risk of Getting Cancer from Asbestos?
Individuals who mine asbestos are at great risk of developing cancer from their work. Their constant exposure to the asbestos raises their chances of contracting cancer, even long after they have discontinued their work in the mines.
Medical science has identified automobile mechanics as having increased odds of suffering from asbestos-related cancer, since they often work on parts of a car containing asbestos such as brakes and clutches, and they breathe in the asbestos particles.
Workers in shipyards, refineries, iron and steel mills, and plants that make asbestos products are more prone to potentially develop cancer from their exposure.
Carpenters, electricians, boiler mechanics, crane mechanics, pipefitters, painters, roofers, and welders have frequent exposure to asbestos, increasing their risk of cancer.
Some common household products such as ironing board covers, toasters, oven mitts, and hair dryers at one time contained asbestos. Individuals who have had constant contact with these items over time could eventually develop cancer.