Can Mesothelioma Be Genetically Transferred?
Exposure to asbestos over prolonged periods causes mesothelioma. The majority of cases are found in people who lived or worked in close proximity to asbestos insulation for many years.
Mesothelioma cannot be transmitted. The only known cause is through consistent exposure to asbestos.
Early signs of mesothelioma include chronic pain in the chest or abdomen along with difficulty breathing. As these are common conditions, it's best to have them checked immediately if you know you have been exposed to asbestos.
Mesothelioma is typically treated through combinations of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. As with many types of cancer, there are advocates of alternative therapies (such as acupuncture), and new treatment methods are in development.
Survival Rates
Advanced mesothelioma is almost always fatal, and many patients live less than a year after being diagnosed. As with all types of cancer, chances for survival improve with early diagnosis.