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Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms

Pleural mesothelioma, also known as pleural malignant mesothelioma, is a fairly rare form of cancer that affects the membrane surrounding the lungs. Mesothelioma, in any of its forms, is usually linked to exposure to asbestos, a carcinogenic substance formerly used in the construction of buildings, heating or cooling systems, plumbing materials, insulation and many other household items. When someone develops pleural malignant mesothelioma, they will begin to manifest very distinct signs and symptoms.
  1. Respiratory Disturbance

    • Since pleural mesothelioma affects the membrane surrounding a person's lungs, most people will experience some sort of respiratory disturbance with this form of cancer. For some, it will manifest as a feeling of windedness or shortness of breath. Most of the time, this feeling will first be noted during periods of physical exertion, but it will begin to spread into times of rest. For others, it will actually elicit a pain or discomfort upon inhalation that can momentarily take a person's breath away.


    • Many times, a person suffering from pleural mesothelioma will experience not just a pain upon breathing, but also a general pain that persists within the chest. This pain is usually felt just below the rib cage; however, it may manifest anywhere the cancerous cells have formed. When someone is suffering from a pain or discomfort due to pleural mesothelioma, it can feel like a dull pressure all the way up to a sharp, shooting ache.


    • There is also a great potential that pleural mesothelioma will also cause a cough. More often than not, this cough will be unproductive in nature, meaning it will be "dry" and not produce any mucus or sputum during an episode. Depending on the severity of the cancer, this cough may produce some level of pain.


    • For some people, the development of mesothelioma can cause the formation of lumps near or around any area of the mesothelium (the membrane surrounding the lungs) affected by the cancerous cells. With pleural mesothelioma, these lumps will develop just under the skin of the chest and will feel firm to the touch.

    Weight Loss

    • As with almost any form of cancer, pleural mesothelioma can elicit an unexpected weight loss, especially as the cancer advances. Much like other forms of cancer, this is largely due to the calories needed for cancerous cells to thrive. Healthy cells use a "normal" amount of calories within the body, but these abnormal cells expend much more calories within a given day, making a standard diet insufficient for the sufferer. As the condition progresses, these abnormal cells increase in number, using more and more calories and causing a person to lose weight.

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