Causes of Mesothelioma
Cancer generally occurs when genetic mutations begin to take place within a cell. This mutation causes the cell to grow at an abnormally extreme rate and the abnormal cells take over, thus forming a tumor. These abnormal cells can break off from the original tumor and invade nearby tissues. Researchers believe certain conditions in the environment and a person's genetic make up can trigger these mutations to occur.
Asbestos is a fibrous silicate substance that was a popular component in building materials, due to its resistance to fire. Research has shown that exposure to asbestos fibers significantly increases a person's risk of mesothelioma. It is not just people who directly come in contact with asbestos who are at risk (such as those who worked with the product) but their family members who may have been exposed to the asbestos fibers when carried home on clothing.
From the 1920s to the 1950s, a radioactive substance called thorium dioxide was used in conjunction with x-rays when making certain medical diagnoses. It was later determined that thorium dioxide could cause cancer, with one of those cancers being mesothelioma. Thorium dioxide is no longer used with x-ray diagnoses.
Family history may also increase the risks of mesothelioma, according to the Mayo Clinic. Yet, they note that more research needs to be done to fully understand this link. Aside from family history, personal habits can also contribute to the risk of mesothelioma. Those who smoke and are exposed to asbestos increase their chances of the disease over non-smokers who are exposed to asbestos.
The simian virus was originally discovered in monkeys. It is believed there may be a link between exposure to the virus and an increased risk to mesothelioma, but more research is needed. Polio vaccinations given between 1955 and 1963 were developed using monkey cells. It was removed from the vaccine after it was discovered the virus might be linked to certain cancers.