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How to Treat a Brown Recluse Bite

The brown recluse spider delivers a horrifying bite because of its necrotic venom. When you've been bitten by a brown recluse, it's absolutely necessary that you seek medical attention to prevent severe scarring or the spread of venom. However, if you live a far distance from a hospital or you need temporary relief on your way to the doctor, knowing how to care for the brown recluse spider bite may help save your limbs and your life.

Things You'll Need

  • Numbing spray
  • Ice pack
  • Antihistamines
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      Apply a thin layer of medicated numbing spray such as Solarcane on the site of the bite. This cuts down on the discomfort associated with the brown recluse bite.

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      Elevate the spot that has been bitten to help slow swelling. Apply an ice pack to the sight of the bite, also to help slow swelling.

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      Take over-the-counter antihistamines at the recommended dosage to help prevent potential allergic reaction.

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      Seek immediate medical treatment if you have been bitten on your face or torso. Contact your doctor to schedule treatment with antivenin if you have been bitten in a less-dangerous location, such as an arm or leg.

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