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What does myt mean?

MYT can have multiple meanings:


- MYT: an acronym for the political party known as the Moroccan Youth Movement.

- MYT: an abbreviation for Mayta, an American YouTuber and Twitch streamer.


- MYT: an abbreviation for My Turkish Airlines, the in-flight magazine of Turkish Airlines.


- MYT: an abbreviation for Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1, also referred to as Steinert’s Disease or Myotonia Congenita.

- MYT: an abbreviation in chemistry for Mycotoxin, a toxic compound produced by fungi that can have adverse effects on human and animal health.


- MYT: a colloquial term used as an acronym for the phrase "Mind Your Tongue", used as an informal warning or admonition.

- MYT: a slang expression used to convey a sense of agreement, approval, or admiration, similar to the terms "nice" or "cool".

- MYT: airport code for Myitkyina Airport in Myitkyina, Myanmar.

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