Grizzly Long Cut Dip Risks
Nicotine Addiction & Dependence
Using smokeless tobacco introduces a high nicotine level into the body similar to that of cigarette smoking. Furthermore, since nicotine functions as a drug in that it produces both tolerance and physiologic dependence in users, those who dip or inhale smokeless tobacco are often unable to stop.
Oral Cancer
Oral cancer poses the most significant risk to smokeless-tobacco users. Depending on the frequency and length of use, type of product used and predisposing conditions such as genetics or pre-existing gingivitis, tobacco dippers can experience a variable amount of lesions in their mouth. This condition, known as oral leukoplakasis, usually starts in the front lower gum, where most users place the tobacco. This condition begins as small, irregular, white spots in the gum tissue. In advanced stages, lesions are dark gray or black and will continue to cover the gums and lips if left untreated.
Pancreatic Cancer
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) evaluated the carcinogens in smokeless tobacco on two separate occasions. Its conclusions indicate that pancreatic cancer occurs commonly among smokeless-tobacco users. Unfortunately, this type of cancer often goes unnoticed and is hard to diagnose. As a result, smokeless tobacco users who have it may not realize their condition until the cancer reaches an advanced stage. According to the American Cancer Society, pancreatic cancer patients have a 5 percent survival rate over a five-year period.
Coronary Heart Disease & Stroke
Several studies indicate that the nicotine present in smokeless tobacco increases one’s heart rate while stimulating high blood pressure (HBD). Both of these conditions damage the cardiovascular system by scarring arteries and stiffening the heart muscle, which increases the risk of a heart attack. In addition, HBD is the leading cause of stroke, which can lead to permanent paralysis and the loss of brain function.
Birth Defects
When a pregnant mother ingests nicotine into her system, it passes through the placenta and into her baby’s bloodstream. As a result, the developing fetus will experience an increased heart rate and irregular respiratory flow, which can limit the amount of available oxygen. Moreover, because oxygen is necessary for the growth of healthy tissue, the baby may not be able to develop properly under these conditions. Some potential known defects related to nicotine exposure include low birth weight, digestive and circulatory issues, and a cleft lip or palette.