Mouth Cancer Prevention
Eliminate Tobacco Use
According to the National Cancer Institute, one of the primary causes of oral cancer is the use of tobacco products. Mouth cancer prevention starts with limiting or eliminating those products that contribute to the presence of cancer. Cigarettes and cigarette smoke contains numerous carcinogens or toxins known to contribute to the growth of cancerous cells. These include benzene, cyanide, formaldehyde and numerous other chemicals. Chewing tobacco also contains these carcinogenic chemicals, except instead of being absorbed into the lungs the chemicals slowly seep directly into the tissues of the mouth.
Eliminate Alcohol Use
The higher the use of alcohol, the higher the increased risk of mouth cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. Mouth cancer prevention should include eliminating or at the very least substantially limiting the amount of alcohol consumed. Patches of white tissue in the mucus membranes of the mouth can indicate the presence of pre-cancerous cells. The two common mouth cancers include leukoplakia and erthyroplakia. Individuals who both consume alcohol and use tobacco products run a higher risk of developing mouth cancer than individuals who only use one of these products.
Limit Sun Exposure
The National Cancer Institute indicates that high amounts of sun exposure can increase the risk factors for developing mouth cancer. Mouth cancer prevention measures should be taken by using lip balm and sun screen with a high SPF value that will prevent the absorption of UVB and UVA rays on the lips and surrounding tissues. Oral cancers of the lips often initially appear as small mouth sores or look like small cold sores. However, they do not heal and they may growth larger and have undefined borders.
Eliminate Marijuana Smoking
The National Cancer Institute indicates that there is a strong connection between mouth cancers and marijuana smoking. Although in most cases, additional chemicals have not been added to marijuana that is smoked, the natural chemicals that are contained in the smoke are strongly correlated to the development of oral cancer of the lips, mouth and trachea. Additionally individuals infected with the human papillomovirus (HPV) have a strong likelihood of developing mouth cancer if they also smoke marijuana.
Improve Diet
According to the National Cancer Institute, one of the best mouth cancer prevention measures that can be undertaken is to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables that are dark green and leafy or bright orange, red and yellow in color contain cancer-preventing beta-carotenes and free radicals that are supposed to help reduce the growth of abnormal cancerous cells.