Cancer Risk of Lawn Herbicides
Cancer occurs where the body fails to properly identify and destroy mutant or abnormal cells within the body. Over time, these abnormal cells literally divide and conquer the host organism, as they reproduce and spread at a much more rapid rate than normal healthy cells. Symptoms of cancer include night sweats, chills, fever, unexplained weight loss, and feelings of malaise.
Cancer Causing Agents
According to, taken from the 11th edition of the Report on Carcinogens, there are a total of 246 known cancer-causing agents that are either known or "reasonably anticipated" to cause cancer. Exposure to these substances increases the probability that your body's cells will express themselves in abnormal ways, potentially giving rise to a case of cancer.
Lawn Herbicides
According to a research report from the Environment and Human Health, Inc., a non-profit organization, there is an increasing body of evidence linking exposure to herbicides with development of a number of cancers, but most frequently lymphoma and leukemia. Children appear to be most vulnerable to exposure, as their developing bodies make abnormal cell growth that much more likely.
Cancer in Animals
According to a Sept. 4, 1991, article in the New York Times, exposure to lawn herbicides containing a substance called 2,4-D doubles the risk of developing lymphatic cancer in dogs. Based on a study published in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute, the Times article said that even with only one application of the target chemical per season, the cancer risk to man's best friend is still over 33 percent greater when compared to animals who were not exposed to the chemical. On the other hand, the federal Environmental Protection Agency ruled in 2007 that research does not support a link between 2,4-D and the development of cancer in humans.
On balance, the cost of having a weed-free lawn might be higher than you are willing to pay. While the final word is not in on this issue, proactive behavior would dictate abandonment of the utilization of common herbicides and pesticides just in case. Additionally, you might want to consult with your lawn care companies to see exactly what chemicals they are using so you know the level of risk to which you are exposed.