Esophageal Cancer & Treatment With Curcumin
Scientists at the Cork Cancer Research Centre in Ireland discovered that esophageal cancer cells start to digest themselves within 24 hours, when curcumin sends a certain lethal signal to the cells. This signal is produced by proteins called "caspases," which are "switched on" by the curcumin, according to the British Journal of Cancer.
The new research makes it possible for esophageal cancer sufferers to hope that a treatment will be developed in the future from the natural chemicals found in turmeric.
Esophageal Cancer Statistics
According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2009, approximately 14,530 Americans died of cancer of the esophagus, while the BBC reports that esophageal cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death in the United Kingdom.
An ancient medicine in India, China and Indonesia, and also tested in modern research for its effectiveness in the cure of arthritis, ulcers and dementia, curcumin is an antioxidant found in the rhizomes of the turmeric plant.
More research is needed to develop a proper cancer treatment from curcumin. In the United States, turmeric can be found in grocery stores, but it is also sold as a dietary supplement.